Overdrive pedals abound on the market, but occasionally a newcomer manages to stand out with an intriguing promise. The Silktone Overdrive+ is just such a pedal, and designer Charles Henry proudly announces: “I’ve always maintained that the best overdrive pedal is the one that makes you go to the store and buy P90 pickups and a real amp. I wanted to create one that would make me eat my words”… That says it all!

An original and versatile circuit
The Silktone Overdrive+ features an original circuit that explores a wide range of tones, both familiar and unique. Whether you’re looking for a slight tonal enhancement in low gain or a ripping high-gain lead machine, this pedal covers the whole spectrum. The secret lies in a clever combination of JFETs, op-amps and a few diodes.
The use of an op-amp for gain and buffering, powered at around 30 volts, guarantees an absence of saturation even when the pedal is stacked with others. All saturation is carefully engineered from JFETs or diodes, offering exceptional sonic versatility.
Intelligent controls for total customization
In addition to the classic VOLUME, TONE and GAIN controls, the Silktone Overdrive+ is equipped with a bass cut switch to tighten the lower end of the spectrum, and a clipping mode switch to toggle between symmetrical and asymmetrical clipping styles (symmetrical being smoother, asymmetrical more natural and textured).
But where the pedal really becomes captivating is with the “strangle/raw” boost. Think of it as the “+” of overdrive+. A dirty, colorfully voiced boost that adds gain and lots of 2nd-order harmonic distortion to the signal. STRANGLE uses a resonant filter for a slight “cocked wah” effect (simulates the sound of the wah-wah filter), while RAW removes this filter for a full-range boost.
Retail price: $269
More info on the California-based brand’s website: Silktone